Tapas Accupressure Techniques
In 1993, Tapas Flemming, a licensed acupuncturist and a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, created Tapas Acupressure Techniques to bring about natural healing. This method helps to release emotional and negative energy blockages that are hurting one's psychological or physiological well-being to bring about healing.-
Tapas Acupressure Techniques can be used to treat traumatic stress, allergic reactions, migraines, multiple sclerosis, physical pain, fears of events or things and negative beliefs.
This non-intrusive method uses the application of light pressure on four main areas --- inner corner of both eyes, the space between the eyebrows and the back of the head. A basic Tapas pose involves placing the thumb on the inner corner of the eye, with the fourth finger on the inner corner of the other eye, while resting your middle finger between the eyebrows. The other hand is used to cradle the back of the head.
While in the basic Tapas pose, guide your thoughts through a series of positive thinking and empowerment while eliminating negative aspects of the problem. Practitioners believe that these steps will help to bring about healing, inner peace and relaxation.