How to Lose Weight with Pressure Points
Locate the pressure point in front of your ear where it meets your head. There is a small piece of cartilage sticking out at the front of the ear canal. Pinch this piece of cartilage between your thumb and index finger for two to three minutes. This will help dispel your appetite.
Find the pressure point on the inside of your leg just above your ankle. Place four fingers above the bone that sticks out in your ankle. Press the point just above that on the back of the bone. This is the pressure point for the spleen. It helps with digestion. You should not use this pressure point if you are pregnant.
Bend your knee in front of you. Place four fingers at the bottom of your knee cap. Press the point directly beneath your fingers on the outside of the shin bone. This pressure point is for the stomach and helps decrease appetite.
Locate the pressure point on the outside of the shin. It is midway between the knee and the ankle. This is stomach pressure point number 40. It is important in the elimination of waste and weight loss.
Bend your arm at a 45 degree angle. Notice the line that forms in the skin on the inside of the elbow. Press the point at the bottom of the crease on the outside of the arm. You will feel a sharp pain but it will pass quickly. Work the pressure in a circular motion. This is a pressure point for the large intestine. It regulates the function of your large intestine and helps eliminate heat and waste from the body.