Trigger Point Home Remedies
Types of Trigger Points
There are several types of trigger points. Active trigger points connect to other parts of the body and cause pain in muscles when you apply pressure. Passive trigger points show pain when you apply pressure and do not connect to other parts of the body. Latent trigger points can cause stiffness in joints and restricted movement in old age.
Common Trigger Points
There are hundreds of trigger points in the human body. You can link each pain to a separate point. One common pain occurs in the ankle. Help pain in the ankle by using a pipe or cane approximately 3/4 inch wide. Roll the pipe from the knee of the pained leg to below the calf. You should roll it down the outside of your leg. Apply firm yet gentle pressure. Lower back pain is also a common ailment. The trigger point for that area is along the back close to the hip. Run your hand with gentle yet firm pressure down the side of your back. Press firmly along the top side of your buttocks.
Find trigger points for headaches, earaches and other facial pains in or around the mouth and cheek area. Points for the arm lie in the elbow and between the fingers. When working with trigger points, press gently at first to locate the point. Gently palpate the area with two fingers until you feel a tight band where pain occurs. Then run your fingers flat along that band with a minimal amount of pressure. Working with your trigger points takes time and investigation to find the right ones, but it is a very effective way to relieve pain.
With any type of treatment, consult a medical professional before implementing any changes. Even trigger point therapy can cause problems if not administered properly. Applying pressure too deeply can release toxins from your muscle into your bloodstream and put unnecessary strain on your kidneys. Before using trigger point therapy in the pelvic area, refer the pain to a doctor that can diagnosis and assist with the problem. If you press a trigger point incorrectly, you can experience more pain or even cause bruising.