Acupressure Point & Stomach Pain
Ocean of Energy
This acupressure point is situated two finger-widths under the belly button. Massaging the Ocean of Energy can relieve stomach discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, and menstrual cramps.
Inner Gate
Located in the center of the inside of the wrist, two-and-a-half finger-widths beneath the crease, is the acupressure point known as the Inner Gate. Stimulating this spot can reduce stomach pain, nausea, and the effects of indigestion.
Sea of Vitality
Stomachaches can be remedied by rousing the Sea of Vitality. This four-fold point is located on the lower back at the waist, two and four finger-widths on either side of the spine.
Three Leg Miles
The acupressure point known as Three Leg Miles is situated below the kneecap. Approximately one inch below the knee cap, you will feel a bump. Three Leg Miles is located on the bottom part of this bump, one thumb-width toward the outer leg. Stimulate this area for relief from indigestion, fatigue, and diarrhea.
If you're unfamiliar with acupressure techniques, visit a specialist. They can help you find the exact points you are looking for and show the proper techniques for stimulate each one.