Trigger Points to Relieve Wrist Pain
Trigger Points Explained
Trigger points are spots or points on the body that can help reduce pain in other parts of the body. Trigger point massage is a much more intense and focused form of bodywork that helps relieve pain and discomfort. Trigger point massage is not relaxing as it requires the client (if using a specialist) to communicate to help maximize the massage's effectiveness.
Types of Trigger Points
There are two forms of trigger point pressure that will cause pain in the wrist. These points are latent triggers, which will only cause pain when pressed and active triggers, which exhibit muscle pain without being pressed.
Tests to Determine Wrist Pain
There are two tests that a person can perform to determine which trigger point needs to be manipulated to relieve pain. These tests are simple to perform. Bend your hand in a 90-degree angle downward. If there is pain or you can't bend the wrist, then the trigger points located along the inner forearm need to be massaged. The second test, a person makes a fist and bends her fist downward in a 90-degree angle, if pain or unable to bend downward, then the trigger points on the outer forearm need to be massaged.
Inner Forearm Trigger Points
These points are located near the elbow crease on the inner forearm. The first trigger point is in the center of the inner forearm, this point will help relieve pain in the center of the wrist. The second trigger point is located the outer point near the elbow crease, this point will help elevate pain along the outer wrist near the area of the pinky finger. These trigger points help deactivate or stop the pain in the person's hand flexors.
Outer Forearm Trigger Points
These points are located near the elbow crease on the upper/outer forearm. The first trigger point is in the center of the outer forearm, this point will help relieve pain in the center of the wrist. The second trigger point is located the outer point near the elbow crease, this point will help elevate pain along the wrist near the area of the pinky finger. These trigger points help deactivate or stop the pain in the person's wrist and finger extensors.