Acupressure Points & Finger Pain
Acupressure developed as part of the 5,000 year old Oriental Medicine practices, which work on the idea of a life force, called "Ki" or "Chi", that flows through the body, as explained in "The Art of Shen Ku."
How Does it Work?
According to, using the fingers to activate specific points on the body triggers the natural self-healing by increasing the flow of blood and Chi to the targeted area. Healing Digest online also explains that the pressure triggers a rush of endorphins to the area. These things work together to balance the body's natural energy, which results in a relief of symptoms.
Locating the Points
"The Art of Shen Ku" presents a number of acupressure points for finger pains and general hand ailments.
H9 is on the fleshy ball at the tip of the pinkie finger; H7 is on the inside of the arm at the wrist crease; H4 is slightly more than two fingers' width away, moving toward the elbow.
P8 is on the palm, between the finger bones of the pointer and middle fingers, two fingers' width from the top of the palm; P4 is on the inside of the arm, one palm width from the wrist.
SI4 is two fingers' width from the wrist bone moving toward the pinkie on the outer edge of the palm. (See References 1)
How to Use the Points
Loosen the muscles of the hands and forearms by gently stretching and massaging them. Stimulate each pressure point with the tip of a thumb or finger for 4-10 seconds. After cycling through all the relevant points, you can go through a repeat round if it seems needed.
Acupressure is not recommended for late in pregnancy, or for anyone who is seriously ill or under extreme stress. It should also be avoided when you are very hungry or have just eaten.