Nausea Remedy Acupressure
However, if your symptoms persist, it could be a sign of a bigger problem. In that case, be sure to see your doctor.
Acupressure Techniques
Pull up your sleeve to beyond your elbow. Use your index finger and your middle finger to push down on the inside of your wrist, just where your palm ends. Aim to put your two fingers between the two large tendons there. Hold the area for ten seconds, then release. Move to the other wrist. Do each wrist three times, to a count of ten.
If that seems to alleviate your symptoms, consider using a set of special wristbands that press on the same points. Since they are often used by people going on boat, car or airplane trips, you can find them at stores that sell anti-nausea products, like drug and grocery stores.
Another acupressure point in the leg may help with nausea. To find it, put all four fingers together and place at the bottom edge of your kneecap. You will find the point where your outer shin bone meets your leg muscle. Feel around for any sensitive areas, and focus your pressure there. Do a round of three on each side, holding for ten seconds.
Acupressure follows the same principles as acupuncture, pressing on certain meridians in the body to release trigger points, and stop pain. If the acupressure techniques mentioned here do work for you, but your nausea comes back day after day, consider seeing an acupuncturist. They will be able to pinpoint your trigger points with more accuracy, and could bring you better results.