Acupressure Points to Prevent Crying

Feelings of sadness and hopelessness followed by frequent crying spells are defined by as being symptoms of depression. Followers of ancient Chinese medicine believe when you repress your emotions, depression can occur. These same followers also believe when acupressure is performed, blocked energy is released and you become free to examine the problematic feelings you have been facing.
  1. Acupressure

    • While acupuncture uses needles on parts of your body to heal certain ailments, Acupressure involves using your fingers to press key points on the surface of your skin. Your body has self-curative abilities in that when certain points are pressed, muscle tension is released and blood is circulated throughout your body. Acupressure is safe to perform on yourself and others if you follow the instructions closely.

      When you are applying acupressure to any part of your body, you should rub the spot briskly rather than just apply pressure. Choose any one of these following acupressure points. Be sure you are in a comfortable area and sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Always remember to relax when you are applying acupressure to yourself. This is supposed to be a relaxing healing method.

    Posterior Summit, One Hundred Meeting Point, Anterior Summit

    • These acupressure points are all located on the top of your head. You may press, or rub, these points for depression symptoms or to help with headaches or memory lapses. You will begin by locating your One Hundred Meeting Point. This will also be referred to as the middle point. Put your left thumb on top of your left ear and your right thumb on top of your right ear. Carefully move your fingertips toward the top of your head and feel for a hollow spot near the center of your head. That is your middle point. The Posterior Summit is located 1 inch behind the middle point and the Anterior Summit is located 1 inch in front of the middle point. These points make a line on your head. Apply firm pressure to these points with your fingers. Massage these spots and relax your body.

    Other Points

    • Other points worth considering in treating depression with acupressure include the Heavenly Pillar, Kidney Shu and the Will Chamber. The Heavenly Pillar point is located a half-inch from the base of your skull on the muscles bordering your spine. Along with symptoms of depression, applying pressure to this point is said to relieve fatigue and emotional distress. The Kidney Shu is located in your lower back 1 to 2 inches from your spine at waist level and your Will Chamber is located 1 to 2 inches out from your Kidney Shu. Both these points are said by acupressure followers to relieve depression, fatigue and emotional distress.

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