How to Grow Taller Easily
Hang upside down for 10 to 20 minutes everyday. This will stretch out your spine and create space inbetween each vertebrea making it easier to grow mass inbetween. Breathe deeply and let your arms hang freely. After about 1 week of this, use a 5 lb. weight while hanging upsidedown and increase the weight gradually as time goes by, but do not over do this.
Take a multivitamin with calcium, drink milk and eat broccli every day. This will help to replenish bone and help to increase the mass of your vertebrea and other bones thus making you taller in height.
Get massages frequently. At least once a month to increase blood flow in your body in order to enhance absorbtion of the calcium enabling the mineral to do it's job making you grow tall.
Make sure to get a full 8 hours sleep, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, avoid alcohol and illicit drugs and exercise 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. If you follow these simple rules, you will increase your height. If this works for you, click the "I did this" tab and let the world know that it's possible.