Accupressure Points for Back Pain
The discovery of pressure points along channels in the human body that relieved pain and affected other parts of the body occurred more than 5,000 years ago in ancient China, according to Through years of trial and error Chinese physicians recorded and mapped a complex chart of points throughout the human body that correspond to many different health conditions. The points themselves are believed to be places in the skin where the body is more sensitive to energy; by applying pressure, the body's own healing abilities are stimulated.
Acupressure is commonly used for all sorts of pain in the human body, including back pain. In a study published in Preventive Medicine in July 2004, researchers applied both acupressure point therapy and standard physical therapy to a group of patients suffering from chronic lower back pain. They found that the group that received acupressure had significantly less pain after treatment and at a six-month follow-up compared to the physical therapy group.
There are several different locations for points that are commonly used by acupressure therapists to treat back pain. According to, the point B 54 is one of the most important points for relieving chronic pain in the back. B 54 is located on the back of the legs, behind the knees, and is stimulated by pressing the fingertips into the crease of skin directly behind the knees.
Traditional Chinese theory holds that energy, or "Chi," becomes blocked at points in the body, causing them to become tender and inflamed. By pressing and holding these points, the energy is released and the body is able to resolve the issue even if it is located in another part of the body. According to, acupressure inhibits the pain signals sent to the brain as well as provoking the release of endorphins--chemicals that cause pleasure--and effectively acts as a natural painkiller.
Acupressure is a proven remedy for back pain that can be used at home by oneself absolutely free of charge. By finding and stimulating sore points on your body that are related to back pain, you can free yourself of chronic conditions that may be inhibiting your life from its full potential.