How to Use Acupressure Points to Improve Wellness
Things You'll Need
- Chair
Locate an acupressure point by using anatomical landmarks such as bone indentations and protrusions. A specific point may also be within a muscular cord, band or knot of tension according to Michael Reed Gach, author of "Acupressure's Potent Points." J.V. Cerney indicates in "Acupressure Without Needles" that specific points may have a tenderness or "ouch area" when pressed.
Thrust the ball of the thumb on the chest, abdomen, low back and limbs. After the initial thrust, a rotary movement with firm pressure is then applied to the acupuncture point, according to Cerney.
Stimulate an acupressure point by using centripetal circles with the thumb; starting at approximately one-half inch outside the acupressure point, move in a circular motion toward the targeted center.
Sedate or release tension from an acupressure point by using concentric circles with the thumb; starting at the acupressure point, make increasingly wider circles with the thumb moving around and out from the acupressure point.
With palms downward, use the palm of one hand to oscillate the other hand in a gentle vibrato motion, per Cerney. Gentle pressure should be used over the eye, while firmer pressure can be used over the abdomen and other body parts.
Cerney also suggests slapping or rubbing the body to innervate the skin.
Rub the lower back briskly along both sides of the spine for one minute.
Hold the base of the skull with one hand and place the middle finger of the other hand between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. Tilt the head back, close the eyes and take three long, slow, deep breaths. Hold each breath for a few seconds then exhale while releasing any tension in the body.
Place the hands on the lower abdomen three finger widths below the navel while sitting comfortably in a chair with the spine straight and shoulders relaxed. Close the eyes, press the hands firmly into the abdomen and breathe deeply for one minute. These three exercises can be completed within five minutes and help relieve stress, according to Gach.
Place the middle fingers in the hollows on the left and right side of the v-notch in the collarbone. Inhale deeply and hold for one minute.
Rub the backs of your hands briskly against the lower back. Use an up-and-down motion to stimulate lower back points.
Place the fingertips in the center of the lower abdomen between the navel and pubic bone. Gradually press one to two inches deep into the abdomen while closing the eyes and breathing deeply.
Rub the heel of the foot briskly up and down the outside of the shinbone of the opposite leg just below the knee for one minute. Repeat with the other foot.
Place the right heel between the left inner anklebone and Achilles tendon. Rub for 30 seconds then place the right heel between the large and second toes and rub for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other foot.
Place the arms in front of the body with the palms down. Make a fist with the right hand and place it on top of the elbow crease of the left arm and briskly rub the elbow joint for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other arm.
Make a fist with the right hand and place it on the outside of the forearm, two finger widths from the wrist crease. Briskly rub for 30 seconds. Place the right fist on the webbing between the thumb and index finger of the left hand. Use the knuckles to briskly rub for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other hand. These exercises are helpful for boosting the immune system, according to Gach.