What means averse?

Averse means having a strong feeling of dislike or opposition towards something. It can be used to describe someone who is unwilling or reluctant to do something, or who actively dislikes or opposes something. For example, you could say that someone is "averse to risk" or "averse to change".

The word "averse" comes from the Latin word "aversus", which means "turned away". This suggests that someone who is averse to something is turning away from it, or rejecting it.

Here are some other examples of how the word "averse" can be used:

* She is averse to public speaking.

* I am averse to eating raw oysters.

* The company is averse to making any changes to its policies.

The word "averse" can also be used in a more general sense, to describe someone who is negative or pessimistic about something. For example, you could say that someone is "averse to life" or "averse to the future".

In this sense, the word "averse" is similar to the word "cynical". However, "averse" is a stronger word, and it suggests that the person has a more extreme or negative view of something.

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