What are accu cheek softclix lancets used for?
Features of Accu-Chek SofClix lancets include:
- ClixMotion technology: This technology provides a gentle and virtually pain-free lancing experience.
- Ultra-thin needle: The needle is only 0.36 mm in diameter, which minimizes discomfort.
- Comfortable grip: The lancet has a comfortable grip that makes it easy to hold and use.
- Eject button: The eject button allows for safe and easy disposal of the lancet after use.
Instructions for using Accu-Chek SofClix lancets:
1. Wash your hands and the fingertip you will be lancing with soap and warm water.
2. Dry your hands and the fingertip thoroughly.
3. Insert the Accu-Chek SofClix lancet into the lancing device.
4. Adjust the lancet depth setting according to your skin thickness.
5. Press the lancing device against the side of your fingertip.
6. Press the release button on the lancing device to release the lancet.
7. Apply pressure to the fingertip to form a drop of blood.
8. Wipe away the first drop of blood with a cotton ball.
9. Test your blood glucose level using your Accu-Chek blood glucose meter.
10. Dispose of the lancet safely in a sharps container.