Pressure Points for Skin Wrinkles
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, energy, or qi (pronounced CHEE), flows through meridians throughout the body and composes the basis of all life forms. This qi can become deficient, blocked or stagnant by way of poor diet, poor lifestyle, stress and work-related trauma or overuse.
Wrinkling of the skin is exacerbated by poor sleep, stress, anxiety, smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun, poor hydration and poor diet. These contributing factors weaken the qi and "age" the body inside, which manifests outwardly as fine lines, deep wrinkling and skin that lacks vitality and glow.
Using acupressure points, along with a healthy diet, proper exercise and quality sleep, can reduce the appearance of fine lines and soften deeper wrinkles. Locating these points is easy and can be done at home at any time.
Recommended Sessions
You can press certain pressure points daily or two to three times each week using even pressure with the fingertips. The points are located bi-laterally on the face, except for one point on the forehead.
Acupressure Point Locations
One pressure point is right between the eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose. Another two are on the forehead about one thumb width over the arch of each brow. A point is also at each end of the eyebrows.
A few points are located around the eyes, one at the outer corner and one just below the eye, directly under the pupil. These are massaged using the ring finger and a little moisturizer or oil.
Other points are at the sides of the nasal opening, at the inner ridge of the cheekbone, at the corners of the mouth and in the depression at the center of the chin.