Acupressure Points for Treatment of Polycythemia Vera
Polycythemia vera is a rare blood disorder that originates in the bone marrow. It is caused by a mutation of DNA that tells the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets than the body needs. Proliferation of red blood cells can cause dangerous blood clots anywhere in the body. The practice of acupuncture designates a number of points all over the body as beneficial to the blood. These points are located along channels that run through the body, weaving in and out of organ systems, like a complex system of highways. Acupressure uses the same points as acupuncture with the same intent--to move energy and strengthen the body.
Acupressure is currently being studied as a means of alleviating pain in cancer patients going through biopsy. It is speculated that acupressure may also be beneficial in polycythemia vera by alleviating dizziness, headaches, itchiness and shortness of breath, among other symptoms. Chinese medicine categorizes polycythemia vera as a disorder of the blood associated with the liver. The liver in Chinese medicine refers to the function, not the organ, as it does in Western medicine.
Some of the strongest points in acupressure relating to blood are Liver 3 "Great Surge," Stomach 36 "Leg Three Miles," Bladder 17 "Shu of the Diaphragm" and Pericardium 6 among others. Many of the points are used in tandem with each other or in a specific order to achieve the greatest effect.
It is not clear if acupressure has a direct effect on polycythemia vera. However, it has proven effective in relaxing a patient, which allows them to cope with a chronic disease. Many health professionals are aware of the power a patient's outlook has on their recovery and any treatment that instills a patient with confidence can be beneficial, including patients suffering from polycythemia vera who seek out acupressure.
There is no proof that polycythemia vera can be cured with acupressure. Do not begin treating yourself with acupressure before consulting a professional. Integrating alternative medicine into your routine can be a positive, but it should never replace the advice of your doctor is cases of serious illness.