Stapled Ears & Weight Loss
How it's Done
The process of ear stapling for the purposes of weight loss is done by piercing part of the inner cartilage of the ear with a surgical steel band. Often this is done in both ears. Occasionally, depending on the subject, two bands are placed in either one or both ears. The band is placed with a specialized stapling tool that quickly pierces the ear with no more pain than an ordinary piercing, say experts.
What it Does
According to the Professional Ear Stapling Association, placing the staple in the ear places pressure on specific ear reflex points, which stimulates appetite suppression and causes the subject to eat less. By eating less the subject loses weight. The procedure works for a period of two to three months at which time the body becomes accustomed to the pressure and the band must be removed and replaced to continue the process.
Ear stapling has many potential benefits, according to supporters. Weight loss due to suppression of appetite is the most often noted benefit of ear stapling. Some of those that have had their ears stapled have noted the suppression of nicotine cravings and the departure of insomnia as positive effects.
Because the process is basically that of a body piercing, the same risks apply. Infection, inflammation, rejection and other negative responses from the body can result in minor--or major--medical problems. Proponents claim these issues are minor and the risks are no more worrisome than those of any other simple medical procedure. Critics claim the negatives effects can go far beyond simple infections to nerve damage, hepatitis B (from unclean staples or staple gun) and hematoma from pierced blood vessels. It is important to consider the risks associated with the procedure and contact a reputable practitioner before proceeding with ear stapling.
As with many alternative medicinal procedures, ear stapling is surrounded by the same controversy assailing acupuncture. Questions of the efficacy of stimulating reflex points, energy lines, life forces and other difficult to substantiate claims cause critics--as vociferously as the supporters--to speak against processes that may not actually help a patient in anyway and can cause other medical problems. Whether ear stapling is scientifically effective, there is a growing number of people pursuing the technique for weight loss purposes.