Acupressure for Neck Pain
Freeing the Energy
Acupressure is an ancient healing practice that later developed into acupuncture. It uses specific pressure points all over the body to promote free-flowing energy movement through meridians that encircle and bisect the body. The theory is that this energy flow is the promoter of optimum health and balance in a body. Disease and illness arise when energy is block or stagnates in a specific area. Neck pain specifically affects the ability of the brain and nervous system to function by tightening muscles and stagnation of the energy flow.
Use It Anywhere
Acupressure is a highly effective tool that you can use on yourself to help stress and injury related neck pain. You can do it anywhere and at anytime. Because you are administering it to yourself, it is easy to apply the depth of pressure and length of time needed to achieve relief of the pain. In extreme cases massage and other body therapists may also use it to enhance the effects of massage or spa baths or as a combined therapy with acupuncture.
Top of the Shoulders
You can stimulate two main acupressure points yourself to relieve your neck pain. The first is found on the flat top of the shoulder between your neck and the top of your arm. By pressing with your fingers you should be able to find an indention just above your shoulder blade on the top of your shoulder. This indention is a pressure point. Pressing and massaging into this point is an extremely effective way to relieve the pressure that is causing your neck pain. Use it as often and as firmly as is comfortable to you.
Pinkie Finger
The second point you can use to relieve neck pain is on the side of the hand, just below the first knuckle of your pinkie finger. Press into the indention that is made on the outside of your hand, below your pinkie, when you spread your fingers wide open. It is just below the little finger, not all the way down into your wrist area. Pressing this area may also help your neck pain and aid in relaxation and easing of stress.
Point for a Stiff Neck
For a stiff neck, use a point on the back of the hand, between the bones just below the knuckles of the first and middle finger. You can stimulate this point if you have slept on your neck in a funny way, resulting in restricted movement.
Part of a Holistic Treatment
Acupressure is not a cure for neck pain, but rather a brilliant first aid technique to get the blood, lymph and electrical activity in the body moving freely. For chronic neck pain, acupressure is an effective part of a holistic treatment.