Tapas Acupressure Technique
Tapas Fleming, a licensed acupuncturist in California, came up with the Tapas Acupressure Technique in 1993. The technique is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, allowing the mind and the body to process information and energy. Fleming originally designed TAT to treat allergies. She extended it to cover stress when she found it was effective for those clients also.
How to Do TAT
Position one hand at the base of the skull near the visual cortex while the other holds points at the front of the head near the eyes and nose. These areas are targeted because many acupuncture meridians merge there. When you hold the head and focus on an issue, you open the flow of stagnant energy and stored information. Using TAT lets the brain and body process the information and make needed adjustments. When the energy is released, the body and mind can eliminate the symptom that is being treated. Focusing consists of seven steps that carry the intent of creating resolution and releasing a troubling issue.
The seven steps include focusing on an issue; focusing on the opposite of the issue; releasing the issue's origins; releasing storage places in the body, mind and spirit where it was stored; forgiving anyone who contributed to the issue, including yourself; and asking for forgiveness from anyone who has been hurt because of the issue. The final step is to release any part of yourself that benefited from the issue.
Treated with TAT
This technique is used to treat a variety of issues. Fleming claims that it is effective for traumatic stress, allergic reactions and negative emotional and mental states. It is also used to help clients gain self-confidence and a positive outlook. Treatments take less than 20 minutes, and often much less time is required.
Benefits and Side Effects
Tapas Acupressure Technique gets rid of physical symptoms and emotional pain. It heals body, mind and soul in the same treatment and is highly effective for traumas and allergies. The technique is simple and creates an internal area of peace by drawing on a forgiveness statement. Side effects with TAT are mild. Sometimes clients feel tired after a session, but a night of sleep should restore energy. Drink water after a TAT session and limit time in the pose to no more than 20 minutes a day.