Self Acupressure to Reduce Smoking
Acupressure is an effective therapy, in part, because it helps you to relax. Prior to attempting the application of pressure, take a deep cleansing breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Repeat as many times as necessary. Clear your mind and try to relax. Once you have achieved a state of mild to moderate relaxation, comparatively, locate the pressure points most commonly associated with the urge to smoke- the fleshy pad between the thumb and the index finger and the crease of the elbow.
Once you have located the target areas, begin by extending your dominant arm loosely in front of you. Grab your elbow with your non-dominant hand and place the thumb directly in the center of the elbow crease. Apply gentle but firm pressure for approximately 10 seconds. Then reposition your non-dominant hand, moving toward the wrist, so the thumb is located approximately one inch below the elbow. Press down and hold for 10 seconds. Continue applying pressure to the lower arm until you have reached the wrist. At the wrist, grab the fleshy pad between the thumb and the index finger of your dominant hand and squeeze it gently. While applying pressure to your thumb area, bite down softly on your lower lip and inhale as deeply as you can. Hold your breath for a count of four and then exhale. Repeat three times. This combination of sensations should counteract the urge to smoke- at least temporarily. Repeat the process as many times as necessary.
Do not attempt to apply acupressure on any area of skin that is sore, scraped, or bruised as this may aggravate the condition and unintentionally inflict further harm. Additionally, acupressure should not be attempted by pregnant women as it may cause premature contractions.