Candidia Cures
Candida Cures
Women with yeast infections can find over-the-counter remedies using Monistat, Vagistat, Femstat or Femizole. These treatments come in seven-, five- and three-day treatments.
Prescription medications such as Diflucan are available that help clear yeast infections through oral tablets. Medications ending with the suffix "azole" and polyene antifungals kill yeast and are used for both thrush and minor candida infections.
For those suffering from thrush, mouthwash with nystatin, an antifungal treatment, and keep your mouth area clean. Use sterilized and clean products in the oral cavity.
For natural cures, take acidophilus pills or eat yogurt containing the live culture, which helps fight against yeast buildup. Also consume garlic, which is a natural antibiotic treatment. Washing the yeast infection with raw apple cider vinegar will also kill yeast, as the yeast cannot grow in this acidic environment. Also, to help cure candida, keep the site where the yeast infection is dry and cool.