Acupressure Weight Loss Points
Acupressure is an ancient science in which pressure is placed on key energy points of the body. The science, which is believed to have formally originated in ancient China, is based on the belief that by pressing on certain energy points, one can control the body better. Fortunately, for those looking for more self-control for weight loss, the body contains several acupressure weight loss points, each of which is designed to stimulate weight loss or ease an ailment resulting from being overweight.
Ear Lobe
What's the No. 1 threat to any weight loss effort? Temptation! That's where the ear lobe acupressure weight loss point comes into play. While it cannot ward off temptation itself, the ear lobe acupressure weight loss point is said to aid in suppressing one's appetite.
Sometimes, the excess weight that one carries is not all fat; sometimes it's water. Fortunately, there's an acupressure weight loss point to relieve water retention. That point, which also does double duty stimulating spleen-related energies, is behind the knee.
The acupressure weight loss point near the shinbone stimulates the energies connected to the digestive tract. This is considered a key acupressure weight loss point because regulating the digestive tract can lead to improved digestion of food and elimination of waste. This acupressure weight loss point is also said to infuse the body with more energy.
Causes of Weight Gain
While the above acupressure weight loss points are designed to assist with factors that can affect weight loss directly, the body has several other acupressure weight loss points that can be stimulated to treat common causes of weight gain/overeating. For example, the hands, feet, upper arm and kneecap are rich with acupressure weight loss points related to overeating such as nervousness, stress and depression. (Refer to the resources below for more on theses points and further instruction on exactly how to perform acupressure for weight loss purposes.)
Keep two key points in mind when considering acupressure as a tool to assist in weight loss efforts. First, understand that people respond to acupressure for weight loss in different ways. Some people experience great benefits while others only experience minimal improvement. Second, the golden rule of weight loss still stands: Diet and exercise must be pillars of a weight loss regimen to experience the greatest, longest-lasting weight loss results.