How to Cure Bad Breath from Acid Reflux
Things You'll Need
- Doctor's appointment for a primary physician or gastroenterologist
- Prescribed medication
- Over-the-counter antacids
- Appointment with a dentist
- Gum
- Breath mints
Confirm the cause
Go to the doctor for a full checkup and determination that reflux is the diagnosis. Get a treatment plan of prescription or over-the-counter medication.
Visit a dentist for an evaluation to make sure the reflux has not caused tooth or gum decay. Get a thorough cleaning from the dental hygienist.
Alter diet to eliminate foods high in acid (citrus, tomatoes) which could be worsening the reflux. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine. Stay away from spicy foods and anything in particular that worsens the reflux.
Exercise should not be done for three hours after eating. Do not lie down immediately after eating either. Try to remain upright as long as possible to keep the backup of acid to a minimum.
Use over-the-counter antacids occasionally--in addition to prescribed medications--when the acid causes bitterness is in the mouth. Chew gum to help produce saliva which helps in digestion and easing reflux. Gum also will improve the taste in your mouth.