Bupleurum Effects on Muscle Growth
Bupleurum is mainly associated with promoting a healthy liver. Taoist literature refers to the liver as the "General" or "Chief of Staff," stressing the importance of the liver in maintaining the physical and mental health of the individual through filtering, detoxifying, and nourishing blood as well as regulating the release of glucose to infuse needed metabolic energy.
Bupleurum serves as a substantial ingredient in promoting liver health in many herbal formulas by assisting the body to illuminate toxins, to balance ch'i (body) energy, and to adjust hormones such as estrogen. For example, as a major ingredient, Bupleurum root based formulas demonstrate effectiveness in treating long-standing hepatitis. Other herbs used effectively in combination with Bupleurum include Panax ginseng, licorice and Chinese skullcap.
Due to the positive effects on the liver, at least one manufacturer of food supplements included Bupleurum as a minor ingredient in combination with other herbs in an attempt to stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass.
Apparently, the manufacturer uses Bupleurum in an attempt to raise testosterone levels. This occurs by inhibiting the production of estrogen, which affects testosterone levels. Because testosterone levels appear to stimulate muscle growth, a Bupleurum formula can possibly prove effective in damping the effect of estrogen, thereby raising testosterone levels to increase lean muscle mass. Presently, the effectiveness of such formulas lack scientific verification.
Ancient Taoists classified Bupleurum as a "harmony" herb, thereby promoting the harmonizing effects of this plant on overall body energy, or ch'i energy. They maintained that ch'i energy permeates every cell and tissue of the body. The disruption of this energy is associated with various conditions and states of ill health.
For over 2000 years, plant based medicines, or phytotherapy, remained an important component of ancient medicine. Today, 80 percent of the world still relies on some form of herbal medicine to combat causes and symptoms of "dis-ease."
Various unfounded reports and warnings of the dangers of ingesting herbal medicines continually bombard the media. However, according to the National Poison Control Center in Atlanta, only one out of a million people succumb to herbal poisoning. Of these, the main causes stem from mushroom poisoning and children eating house plants.
Conversely, prescription fatalities exceed 100,000 a year, establishing drug therapy as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. In addition, every year prescription drugs cause 1 million injuries requiring hospitalization, with over 2 million patients suffering additional complications due to pharmaceutical intervention.