How to Use Pressure Points
Relieve a headache with three pressure points on the head. The middle pressure point on top of the head is in a hollow area in the center. There are two pressure point about an inch behind and one inch in front of the center point. Apply gentle pressure with your fingertips.
Press with your thumbs the two points in the hollow parts on the back of your neck below the base of the skull on either side of muscles running down the back of the neck. This may help alleviate headaches and tension.
Position yourself to lie on two tennis balls that rest about 3 inches on either side of the spine. It is best if someone could press these points for you, but lying on the tennis balls is also effective.
Lessen the depression symptoms by pressing the indentation where the bridge of the nose and the eyebrows meet. Also, pressing on the groove between the first ribs and the collarbone where they come together with the breastbone is helpful.
Find the points that are about 2 1/2 inches under your kneecap and an inch from your shin on the outer portion of your lower leg. Pressing these points may help with keeping your emotions in check.