How to Relieve a Headache with Pressure Points
Place both thumbs on the back of your head. Feel for the gaps under the base of your skull where it meets your neck. These are in a direct line between your eardrums on both sides of your spine. Press the points with gentle pressure in a circular motion.
Find the meaty part of your hand just above the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Squeeze the muscle and not just the skin. This will be slightly uncomfortable, but this pressure point is believed to relieve pain in the head. It is also believed to calm you down and alleviate grief. Press the point firmly until you are at the threshold of pain.
Move to the top of your foot. Place your index finger between your big toe and second toe. Trace a line up your foot from the gap for about one inch to where the bones of your toes meet inside your foot. Press the point straight down. This pressure point is believed to release pent up frustration in addition to relieving your headache.
Work up the inside of your leg to a point just above the bone that sticks out in your ankle. Find the spot about four fingers width above the bone. Press the point on the back of the tibia bone. Apply pressure against the bone in the same direction as the toes. Not only will this pressure point relieve your headache, it is believed to make you less irritable.
Finish with your temples. These are the pressure points on the side of your head about one inch behind your eyes. Feel for the flat bones behind the ridge of the eye sockets. Press the point with a gentle circular motion until you massage your headache away.
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