What Is Acupressure Used to Treat?
Back Pain
By applying pressure to the meridian points for the back, the muscles are relaxed and blood circulates to the area, relieving the pain.
Female Infertility
Many women have become pregnant by adding pressure to meridian points of the the reproductive organs. Sometimes there are blockages along the fallopian tubes that prevents the eggs from traveling down to the uterus. Acupressure removes these blockages.
Acupressure helps with the joints by massaging the area and sending more blood to the swelling and painful areas.
Nausea occurs in the stomach with the body sending signals to the brain. Acupressure on the right meridian points can reduce nausea by relaxing the muscles in the digestive system that cause vomiting.
Immune Disorders
Acupressure treats the entire body and by applying pressure to all the major meridian points, circulation increases the flow of blood that brings nutrients and the flow of lymphatic fluids that remove wastes.