How to Find Pressure Points on the Back and Body

Pressure points on the back are among the easiest to locate on the human body. The area is relatively large and the muscles more defined than on other body parts. Pressure points on the back are most commonly used to relieve stress, treat back pain, and in massage.


    • 1

      Start at the top of the back along the ridge of muscle running from the shoulders to the neck. Press the point on the back of that ridge about mid way between the shoulder and the neck. This is best done by placing both hands on the shoulders and pressing forward with fingers or thumbs.

    • 2

      Move down the back to a position between the shoulder blades. Press the points between the shoulder blades on both sides of the spine. Pressure should be applied about one inch to each side. Never apply pressure directly to the spine.

    • 3

      Work your way down the spine. Pressure points are found on both sides of the spine all the way down the back. Stop when you reach a position directly between the elbows. Press the point one inch on either side of the spine.

    • 4

      Go even father down the back until you reach the top of the buttocks. Press the points on the muscles just below the line of the pelvis. This will be both painful and pleasurable. A number of major nerves run through here so your legs might tingle.

    • 5

      Bring your hands up to the arm pits. Find the muscles that run from the sides of the back to under the arms. Press the point on the sides of those muscles about two inches below the arm pits. Ticklish people might not let you do this one.

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