Pressure Points of the Neck

There are many important pressure points of the neck. It is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, and also one of the most vulnerable. It is the conduit through which your brain and body interact. It is crammed with nerves, arteries, veins, muscles, tendons and ligaments in a very tight space. Pressure points of the neck can be used for both pain and pleasure.
  1. Base of the Skull

    • This pressure point of the neck is located on both sides right where the neck meets the skull. There are two pockets there that can be stimulated by pressing up and in.

    Side of the Neck

    • Pressure points are located up and down the sides of the neck. They run along a line from the rear of the ears straight down to the shoulders.

    Under the Ears

    • Two pressure points of the neck can be found directly under the ear and behind the ear lobe. It is at the juncture of the jaw and the skull.

    Ridge of the Shoulder

    • Pressure points run along the muscles that rise from your shoulders to your neck. Pressure should be applied directly down on the top of this muscle ridge.

    Base of the Adam's Apple

    • This pressure point is used by martial artists to disable an opponent. It is located in the indentation directly between the collar bones and beneath the Adam's Apple in men. Applying pressure straight back immediately cuts off the air supply.

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