How to Use Alternative Medicine to Heal Your Liver
Your liver is just beneath your diaphragm on the right side of your abdomen. Avoid common poisons that slowly kill your liver. Among the worse culprits are alcohol,lawn fertilizers and pesticides, over-the-counter medications and food preservatives. Cut as many of these out as possible.
Notice symptoms of a sluggish liver. If you develop unusual acne, chronic diarrhea, yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes, see your doctor. In addition, you could experience nausea and a low grade fever. It's time to take steps to help your poor liver.
Eat foods high in natural iron. You can take supplements but your body uses food-source iron more efficiently. Add to your diet, dark cherries, prunes and prune juice, beets, molasses, parsley, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables. Eat one serving three times a day.
Massage the reflexology point on your Right Hand that corresponds with your liver. Use your knuckles and push firmly in the liver spot on your palm, rubbing your knuckle in small circles. Do this at least twice a day for 2-minutes each.
Add to your liver's health by using foot reflexology, too. The liver point on the bottom of your Right Foot should be massaged by you, or a family member or friend for 2-minutes, or longer while you relax. Have your friend start lightly until you adjust to the sensation, then she can press more firmly with her knuckles, in the same manner you massaged the hand point.