Acupressure Points in the Hand
One of the most commonly used acupressure points in the hand is located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Use your other hand to pinch the meaty part of the webbing. You should feel the effects with a minimum of pressure. This acupressure point is said to help relieve pain, especially in the head and back.
To improve circulation and health in the head, arms and torso, press your thumb to the side of your index finger. Find the acupressure point in the middle of the mound of flesh that bunches up on the hand. Press carefully in a downward, circular motion.
Another acupressure point in the hand is located on the thumb. Look at your left thumb. The acupressure point is located in the lower right corner of the thumbnail. On your right thumb the acupressure point is in the lower left corner.
Two acupressure points are located at the base of the hand. They are both found right where the wrist meets the base of the palm. One is directly under the little finger while the other is directly under the thumb. If you have trouble finding these, move the pressure around until you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers.
Other acupressure points are found just below the hand on the forearm. Turn your hand over and place the thumb from your other hand across your wrist where the hand bends backwards. Slide your thumb down your arm two thumb widths and press the acupressure point in the middle of your forearm. It should be directly below your middle finger. You will feel a sensation in the back of your hand as you press it.
An acupressure point just below the hand on the inner forearm is said to provide relief from cold symptoms, joint issues and hiccups. To find it, turn your hand palm up. Place the thumb of your other hand across the wrist where the hand bends. Move your thumb down toward your elbow by two thumb widths. Press the acupressure point in the middle of your forearm. When you apply pressure to this acupressure point your fingers will close.