How to Spot Massage Trigger Points in Tendons

Sore tendons can be quite painful. After doing strenuous activity and straining your tendons, a massage is often the best treatment for them. When giving yourself a massage, it is important to massage trigger points in your tendons.


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      Sit in a chair. By sitting in a chair with both feet on the ground, you are in the best position to spot the trigger points in your tendons. This position settles the muscles and other tendons to make the trigger points stand out.

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      Use your hand to locate the trigger point on your calf. Lay your hand flat against the back of your calf and perpendicular to your leg just under the crease of your knee. Just below your hand is the tendon trigger point on your calf muscle.

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      Lie flat on your back with your head stretched out as far as possible. Feel your neck lower than your ears and above your shoulder line. Feel for the long tendon that connects the back of your head with your shoulders. This is a primary neck tendon trigger point.

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      Grab the top of your foot with both hands and feel for the largest gaps between bones. These are the biggest feet tendon trigger points.

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      Search your forearm about three inches away from your elbow and start massaging down to your elbow. You will know when you hit the primary tricep trigger point, as it likely will feel a bit painful when you rub it.

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