How to Use Acupressure Safely When Pregnant
Apply firm pressure to the pressure point with your thumbs or knuckles. Once you locate the pressure point, the area should feel tender to the touch. Press down and hold for up to five minutes. Firmly massage the point area. The area should become warm and give off a tingling or buzzing sensation when performed properly.
Locate the P6 point to relieve nausea in pregnancy. During the first trimester, many women suffer from morning sickness. On your inner wrist, locate and apply pressure to the point that is approximately three finger widths up from your hand.
Release endorphins with points in the palms of your hand. Hold a comb in your hand with the teeth pressing into the crease between your palm and fingers. This releases endorphins, giving you more energy and managing pain. You can also press these points during labor to manage pain during contractions.
Avoid using points that may induce labor too early. Before 37 weeks, pressure points in your shins, shoulder, buttocks and between the thumb and index fingers should be avoided. These points can bring on strong contractions and risk putting you into labor prematurely.