How to Give Your Wife a Massage
Light up her life. When massaging your wife, use light feather-like strokes to appeal to her sense of touch. Move your hands in a way that your fingertips are barely touching her skin, work up and down the entire length of her body. Vary the direction of your touch. Move in a slow, wavy motion and then in circular motions or in whatever direction the moment leads you.
Spread your fingers out on both hands until they resemble a rake. Start working your way down her body with short alternating strokes, about six inches at a time, using only the firm tips of your fingers to make contact. Continue stroking all the way down the back of the leg to the ankle. Repeat on opposite side.
Trace her spine. Start your movement at the bottom of her vertebrae. Place your right hand with your left hand covering it onto her spine. Slowly glide both hands upward keeping the pressure steady.
Make a V. Once at the top of the spine, using your forefinger and middle finger, spread them into a V over your spine. Support your right hand with your left over your wrist area. Glide slowly down the spine in V formation spreading fingers a little farther apart as you reach the buttocks area.
Walk her home. Place both palms starting from the lower back with thumbs on either side of her back and walk your thumbs all the way up her spine ending at the base of her neck with circular motions. Gently sweep both hands down her entire body again, slowly release contact and let her relax for a few moments before talking to her.