How to Read a Pressure Points Diagram
Note the difference in the front and back view of the body. The energy channels run up and down the body on either the front or the back. The pressure points used for acupressure are along these channels. The channels that run up and down the body all have names relating to specific organs of the body. Become familiar with these major channels.
Identify skeletal landmarks for any individual point you are trying to locate. Things that will be important in locating a particular point will be whether the point is above or below a skeletal feature and whether it is close or away from a main part of the skeleton. Make an estimate of how far the point is from something on the body that you can find easily.
Learn the measurements used by experts in the field. The literature in the field deals almost exclusively in these types of measurements. Make sure you can use them to locate a point on the body. Typically, pain in one part of the body is a result of a blockage in a channel in another part of the body. You must learn to utilize the literature on the subject to know where to apply pressure. The depth of the points listed on the chart can be different and requires different amounts of pressure. Make sure you understand how to apply pressure for both surface and deep pressure points.