How to Buy Acupressure Bands for Motion Sickness
Find acupressure bracelets in pharmacy locations throughout the world. Many airport stores also carry them. They also go by the names "travel band" and "Sea-Band."
Identify motion sickness bracelets, which look like sweatbands worn on the wrists, by a button or stud built into the band.
Apply acupressure bracelets to both wrists, making certain that the buttons in the wristbands face down on the pressure point called P6 (Pericardium) or Nei Kuan. Find this area between the two tendons on the inside of the wrist, about three finger widths up the arm from the wrist.
Put on motion sickness bracelets ahead of time if you suffer from regular motion sickness. You can also apply the bands after motion sickness starts. You should feel relief in about five minutes.
Buy motion sickness bands for children who are at least two years of age. Make certain the bands fit snugly on their wrists.
Follow manufacturer's instructions in washing motion sickness bracelets. You can usually wash bands gently a few times before they lose elasticity.
Take anti-nausea medication while wearing the wristbands, if you like. Acupressure bracelets are drug-free and carry no side effects. If you use both, you should be able to take less medication for the motion sickness.