How to Treat Infertility Through Acupressure

For centuries, women have used acupuncture to cure infertility by stimulating different pressure points of the body. If needles aren't your thing, the same effect can be achieved with acupressure, which uses pressure from the fingers. Although you may seek out a professional, it is easy to do yourself.


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      Locate the ridge just underneath the top of the ear. Use both hands and pinch it between your finger and thumb. Follow the pinching with a massage. This is called the fossa area, and it stimulates the uterus and fallopian tubes.

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      Move to the crevice above the ear lobe. Massage lightly with your fingernail, making an upward motion. These points are related to ovarian production.

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      Using your thumb, massage just between your eyebrows and make a circular motion with slight pressure. This is good for circulation and many other functions that support a healthy body for fertility.

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      Regulate your reproductive and pelvic function by massaging along the scalp just above the hairline. Use light pressure.

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      Measure 2 inches below your belly button. Massage gently there during menstruation and ovulation. The Chinese refer to this as the conception meridian, or source of life.

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