How to Use Acupressure Points for Sinus Relief
Locate the various sinus relief points on your face. Place your fingers on either side of your nostrils and apply pressure. That's one point to relieve sinus pressure. You'll find similar relief through the points on the sides of the bridge of the nose, or in the middle of the forehead between your eyebrows.
Place your finger on the crease of your wrist, and slide your fingers up your forearm slightly. This point can be used to relieve cold symptoms and a sore throat that can accompany sinus problems.
Find the place where your index finger and your thumb come together, usually in the "V" part of your palm. Slide your finger into the depression and apply pressure. This point is used to treat sinus headaches and cold symptoms.
Massage one or more of these points for three to five minutes, or until you feel relief. For best results, massage these points with the tip of your finger, your knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil.