How to Use Acupressure for Headaches
Find the pressure point located in the web between your thumb and index finger. It is on the backside of the hand, where the joints meet together to form a "V." This pressure point is called Li4.
Use your thumb on the opposite hand to apply pressure to the Li4 pressure point. Stroke upward towards your wrist with deep massaging motions for 1 to 2 minutes. Switch and do the other hand as well.
Alleviate pain behind your eyes by applying pressure to the point between your big toe and your second toe. Use your thumb to press hard and massage the top of this spot for one minute. Then do the other foot.
Locate the pressure points called GB20, found on either side of your neck, in the dents under the base of your skull. Bend your head to reach them more effectively and comfortably with your thumbs. Apply direct pressure for 3 to 5 minutes and breathe deeply. Massaging the surrounding area also helps relieve headaches.
Massage other key pressure points at the inner corners of your eyebrows, in the dent behind your outer anklebone and in your temples. Move to the middle of the sole of your foot just under the ball, and three finger widths up from the wrist crease on the outside of your forearm, between the two bones.