How to Stop Pain Through Acupressure

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese technique known to bring almost instant relief to pain sufferers, particularly those experiencing back pain. The Chinese have long believed that vital energy becomes blocked in the body, creating a subsequent imbalance, which often leads to pain and illness. By simply applying pressure to the body, it is believed that endorphins are produced that act as natural pain relievers.

Things You'll Need

  • Blunt object to use for acupressure (can be fingernails, fingertips or pencil erasers)
  • Map of acupressure points
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  1. Put a Stop to Back Pain Through Acupressure

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      Use a blunt object to press your pressure points. Start with the central portion between your nose and upper lip, applying deep pressure for several seconds before you release. Repeat 5 to 10 times until the pain begins to subside.

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      Place the blunt object between your Achilles tendon (runs from heel bone to calf muscle) and inner ankle bone. Use deep pressure for several seconds before releasing and finally repeating 5 to 10 more times.

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      Clench your fist. Next to the pinky finger, locate the spot where your skin folds and protrudes on the outside of your hand. Apply deep pressure once again and release. Repeat anywhere from 5 to 10 times.

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      Learn the specific names of the acupoints associated with alleviating back pain at the Eclectic Energies Web site (see Resources below). You can also view a map of pressure points here.

    Other Ways to Stop Pain Through Acupressure

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      Lessen the pain felt during childbirth. Specific acupoints can be pressed, thereby releasing endorphins and helping women to cope with labor. Women can also use acupressure to decrease the effects of PMS and menopause.

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      Manage chronic pain. It is thought that most types of chronic pain have at least one acupoint beneficial in ridding the body of distress. Use a map of pressure points to experiment with your specific type of pain.

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      Treat addiction. As part of a regulated addiction counseling program, many people combine acupressure with their therapy to lessen the tension caused by addictive behavior, such as eating disorders.

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      Administer acupressure to children. It helps to alleviate pain from constipation, insomnia and chest congestion. Some parents use it to treat bed-wetting as well.

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      Use acupressure to treat pain later in life. Many seniors use acupressure to treat mobility issues, joint pain, arthritis and to facilitate faster recovery from injury or surgery.

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      Use acupressure for the stresses of everyday life. Stress causes headaches, tension, muscle soreness, indigestion and fatigue. Corresponding acupoints are often pressed to alleviate and stop the symptoms of stress.

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