How to Use Acupressure to Stay Awake and Alert
Things You'll Need
- An object or instrument with which to apply acupressure (fingertips are ideal, but if you have long nails, try using the eraser on a pencil or something of a similar size)
Know the Facts
Do your research. Current studies indicate that acupressure can be an ally when it comes to assisting people with staying awake and alert throughout the day.
Release blockages within your body. Acupressure is believed to restore the body to its most vital energy state by clearing blockages as you apply pressure to the various acupoints. Blockages are the catalyst for distress and disease such as fatigue and low energy levels.
Prepare for a trial home session before seeing an acupressurist. This way, the cost is minimal and you can determine whether the method, pressure and results work for you.
Learn more by visiting the Acupressure Info Web site (see Resources below).
Use Acupressure to Stay Awake and Alert
Book an appointment. Search the Internet or phonebook under 'accupressure' or 'acupuncture' since the two are often interchanged and practitioners may be certified in both.
Check credentials such as 'L. AC.' after the doctor's name. Find out where the acupressurist studied, for how long and with whom. If possible, recommendations from friends who have also received treatment are ideal.
Use acupressure to stay alert on your own. Many people do it at home since it is relatively easy and the benefits are quick to appear.
Apply pressure. Massage points in both directions for about 3 minutes each. The first point is located at the base of your skull about an inch to the side of your spine.
Release that point and move to the space between your thumb joint and index finger.
Move down to your feet. The next point is located in the center of the sole of your foot, about 2 or 3 inches from the base of your toes.
Massage the acupoint on your head. It's beneath your hair at the very center of your head.
Finish with the last acupoint. You will find it about 3 inches beneath your kneecap on the outside of the leg bone.