How to Relieve Pain Using Acupressure Massage at L14 (Hoku Point)
Things You'll Need
- Your fingers
Locate the Hoku Point on your hand. To do this, gently press the thumb against the index finger. This will cause the flesh between the two fingers to mound. The L14 (Hoku Point) is at the top of that mound.
Spread the thumb and index finger to form a "V." Using the thumb and index finger of the other hand, apply pressure to the Hoku Point (L14), which is now behind the webbing between the two fingers.
Use the grasping thumb to squeeze close to the bone attached to the index finger, angling the pressure underneath this bone, so as to find the most sensitive spot.
Apply firm pressure to this spot for at least a minute. At the same time, move the joint that is closest to the area that hurts. For example, move your neck for a headache.
Repeat the steps using your other hand. Repeat as needed till the pain dissipates.
See a doctor immediately if you experience severe or persistent pain. This may be symptom of a more serious underlying condition that cannot be treated with acupressure massage.
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