Effective Acupuncture Treatment for Migraines

It is estimated that about 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches every year. Most people will seek conventional Western medicine to treat their ailment. But there are viable alternatives, including acupuncture.

There are studies that back acupuncture's effectiveness for treating migraines. An Italian study published in a 2001 issue of the "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" found that those who were treated with acupuncture missed less work and did not suffer side effects as compared to patients on conventional drug therapy. It was ultimately more economical as well, since patients didn't have to buy costly drugs.
  1. Find an Acupuncturist

    • Acupuncture is a field of medicine like any other, in that it also requires formal training and certification. Your acupuncturist should have completed at least a three-year program of study.

      Ask the acupuncturist where they got their certification. Look for a practitioner who is certified by a known organization, like the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists.

      There are acupuncturists who specialize in treating headaches and migraines. You can make your choice by perusing web-based referral sites, such as Acufinder.com

    Acupuncture Procedure for Migraines

    • Acupuncture stimulates specific points located near or on the surface of the skin that have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions, according to Acufinder.com.

      The points that are stimulated to heal migraines are found all over the body. The tiny needles will be placed along the legs, arms, shoulders and toes. Discomfort is fairly rare, so patients may even relax to the point of sleep after the needles are inserted.

      The treatments will vary from patient to patient. Some people will require longer sessions with more visits than others. Individual sessions range from five to 30 minutes.

      Once you have your first session, there is a chance that you may see immediate results. However, more severe migraines may require multiple treatments before the symptoms are relieved.

    After Acupuncture Treatments

    • After treatment, you will normally feel perfectly fine. But sometimes problems arise, such as skin infections. This highlights the importance of being treated by a quality acupuncturist.

      Be prepared for potential symptoms, such as deep relaxation or mild disorientation immediately after your first couple of treatments. If this occurs, avoid strenuous tasks or things that require concentration for safety, such as driving.

      These side effects usually subside after a day or two. Try to have someone available to pick you up from your appointment in the unlikely chance that you feel any disorienting side effects immediately after your treatment.

      Scheduling your follow-up visits will depend on the severity of your condition. In more severe cases, you may need a couple appointments a week for several weeks. Then your treatment is adjusted based on your progress.

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