Acupuncture Face-Lift Procedures
Face-Lift Goals
A face-lift is performed when patients feel that they no longer want to live with the outward signs of aging on their face and neck. The desire can be purely cosmetic, or it can be a medical necessity as in the case of eye lids that droop into the line of vision over their eyes. Sagging, drooping, and wrinkling, the common signs of aging, are manipulated to improve the look of the neck and facial skin.
Surgical Face-Lift Procedures
A surgical face-lift is called a rhytidectomy. In this surgical procedure, an incision is made around the ear and follows the hairline across the forehead and around the other ear. The skin is pulled back so that muscles and fat on the face are repositioned to fill sagging, and remove puffiness. The skin is then pulled taunt over the facial feature, and excess skin may be removed in the process. In this way, wrinkles are smoothed out and bagginess eliminated.
Acupuncture Theory
Acupuncture is an ancient healing art from Asia that uses small needles on pressure points all over the body. The points are key location on the energy meridians that flow throughout and around the body to balance and stabilize it. When energy flow is blocked, a person can experience the symptoms of clogged or stopped energy along their meridians. By inserting needles into the key points, energy is allowed to flow freely, restoring the body to a natural state of health.
Acupuncture Face-Lift
An acupuncture face-lift is more commonly termed facial rejuvenation or a facial-toning procedure. This process can be performed over three or four months or as quickly as three weeks. The combination of acupuncture treatments and massage can also include other modalities such as meditation, exercise, and facial treatments with herbal products.
Expected Outcomes
Patients who are willing to put forth the effort of the entire rejuvenation plan can expect to see toning and tightening of the facial and neck muscles and skin. Due to the holistic and healthful-mind-body approach, they can also experience clearer skin, clearer thought processes, and increased energy. When combined with a variety of complementary modalities, the acupuncture face-lift can actually be an age-reversing and health-restorative process.