Acupuncture & Foot Pain

Foot pain can be caused by many different factors, some related to the body's posture and how the foot functions, and others related to medical conditions. Acupuncture has long been used in Traditional Chinese medicine as an alternative medicine treatment for foot pain.
  1. The Foot

    • The foot is a complicated body part composed of 38 jointed bones interconnected to ligaments, tendons and muscles that provide support and movement for the body. Stress and pressure on the foot makes it easily susceptible to pain. The improper wearing, size or fit of footwear can also lead to foot pain.

    Acupuncture and the Foot

    • Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese medicine that utilizes needles to redirect and enhance the body's Qi, or energy flow through its respective meridians, or channels. For the foot, acupuncture would help to remove the foot's meridian blockages caused by the source of the pain, such as improper footwear or a medical condition. Acupuncture relieves foot pain by stimulating the blood flow throughout the foot.


    • Acupuncture Today cited a 1996 study in the Acupuncture in Medicine journal that demonstrated acupuncture's relief of chronic foot pain in participants.

    Acupuncture Foot Education

    • A course at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches acupuncturists about the different channels related to the foot. These include the foot Yang Ming stomach channel, the foot Tai Yang urinary bladder channel, the foot Shao Yin kidney channel, and the foot Jue Yin liver channel.


    • Acupuncture treatments may not be effective for every patient in relieving foot pain. Discuss your therapy options with your health care provider.

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