Treating Psoriasis With AcuDevice
AcuDevice is part of an alternative form of psoriasis treatment that uses acupuncture to treat the disease. AcuDevice does not use needles, but electromagnetic pulses to hasten the healing process.
Psoriasis and Acupuncture
The Chinese healing technique of acupuncture has long been shown to be an effective alternative to Western medicine. According to, studies have shown that acupuncture has been effective in treating the disease with as many as half of the patients having a near 100 percent healing rate. Unlike other alternative therapies, acupuncture has had decades of scientific scrutiny.
Acupuncture is based on the study of the flow of energy throughout the body, and the needles help unblock the energy flow all for the betterment of health. AcuDevice does not use needles, but instead employs electromagnetic pulses that create a tingling sensation on the skin and redirects the flow of energy. There was significant improvement in psoriasis patients, but it is suggested to keep the area hydrated with medicated cream.
How AcuDevice Works
AcuDevice's electromagnetic pulses can be placed either directly on the irritated skin or on specific acupuncture pressure points. It is battery operated and lightweight, making it easily portable. Reviews have said the unit is easy to use and was effective in reducing the itching associated with psoriasis.
AcuDevice can be used as a single therapy or in conjunction with other treatments. Consult a doctor before starting any psoriasis treatment. AcuDevice is available on-line at several retailers and sells for about $130.