Effects of Acupuncture in Losing Weight
Fine filiform needles are inserted into the body in precise locations to reduce stress and increase energy.
Insertion Points
These are charted locations which trigger endorphin release in the body and cause a reduction in anxieties to alleviate those hunger cravings that are triggered from stress.
The International Journal of Obesity analyzed over 3000 test subjects. Thirty-one studies showed a significant reduction in body weight for those who received acupuncture therapy when compared to sham or placebo treatments.
Obesity Research Center
The Obesity Research Center's study in New York used participants of varied ages and found mild weight loss without much difference between the placebo and acupuncture group.
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
While acupuncture is widely used for the purpose of aiding weight loss, the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture has an extensive list of conditions that acupuncture works for. Weight loss is not on this list.