How to Do a Bridge Yoga Pose
1. Lie down on your back in Corpse Pose (Savasana)
2. Rest your arms next to you, palms down and fingers pointing slightly outward.
3. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor, roughly shoulder-width distance apart.
4. Press your heels firmly into the floor and slowly lift your hips, creating a bridge between your knees and your shoulders.
5. Continue lifting until your spine is in a straight line, parallel with the floor.
6. Interlace your fingers underneath you, palms facing down, and extend through the tips of your fingers. Press down through the heels and lengthen the crown of the head away from the tailbone to create space between the vertebrae.
7. Relax your neck and shoulders, allowing your breath to flow evenly.
8. As you exhale, slowly lower down vertebra by vertebra, until your hips are resting back on the mat and your palms are flat on the floor.
9. Rest in Corpse pose for a few breaths before repeating the pose if desired.
Benefits of Bridge Yoga Pose:
- Stretches the chest and shoulders
- Strengthens the back, buttocks and hamstrings
- Relieves stress and fatigue
- Improves circulation and digestion
- Stimulates the thyroid and adrenal glands
- Helps with infertility
- alleviates symptoms of menopause