How To Do Cow Yoga Pose
Here's how to do Gomukhasana or the Cow Face Pose:
1. Sit upright with your legs extended.
2. Bend your right leg and bring your right heel to touch the fold of your left groin. Extend your left leg forward keeping your left knee straight and left foot flexed.
3. Now bend your left knee and bring your left heel as close to your right buttock as possible.
4. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Inhale and raise your arms up. Lift your torso slightly so that you feel a stretch in your shoulders.
5. Exhale and lower your arms. Bring your hands in front of you, interlocking your fingers.
6. Bring your hands to your back again. Interlace your fingers and gently pull your shoulder blades toward each other.
7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
8. To release, exhale and lower your arms. Unclasp your hands and bring them to your side.
9. Repeat on the other side.
Benefits of Gomukhasana:
- Relieves tension and stiffness from your shoulders, back and neck.
- Helps open up your chest.
- Improves posture.
- Stimulates your abdominal organs.
- Helps relieve stress and anxiety.
- Can help improve sleep quality.