Why does a narciccist just cut you off?
- To assert their power and control: Narcissists often use ghosting as a way to maintain control over their victims. By cutting someone off without explanation, they are leaving the person feeling confused, hurt, and even desperate for answers. This can be a powerful way for the narcissist to keep the person under their thumb.
- To punish their victims: Narcissists often cut people off as a form of punishment. This can be done in response to perceived slights or injuries, or it can simply be a way for the narcissist to express their anger and frustration.
- To avoid accountability: Narcissists are often unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. By cutting someone off, they can effectively avoid having to deal with the consequences of their behavior.
- To move on to new sources of supply: Narcissists are always on the lookout for new sources of narcissistic supply. When they find someone new who can provide them with the attention, admiration, and validation they crave, they may be quick to cut off their old supply.
It is important to remember that being cut off by a narcissist is not a reflection on you. It is a reflection of the narcissist's own issues and insecurities. If you have been cut off by a narcissist, it is important to grieve the loss and move on. You deserve to be with someone who will treat you with respect and compassion.