How do you perform chest tapping?
Chest tapping by yourself:
1. Stand or sit with your back straight.
2. Cup your hands and place them on your upper back.
3. Start by gently patting your back in a rhythmic, downward motion. Gradually increase the intensity of the tapping, hitting your back with a moderate force that produces a hollow sound.
4. Use a downward motion and let your hands naturally rise back up after each tap.
5. Move your hands downward as you tap, starting from the top of your back and working your way down.
6. Concentrate your tapping on the areas where you feel the mucus.
7. Continue tapping for about five to ten minutes.
8. Cough forcefully to try and expel the mucus.
9. Repeat the tapping if necessary.
Chest tapping by a partner:
1. Sit on a chair with your head and chest bent forward slightly.
2. Your partner should stand behind you and place the balls of their hands on your upper back.
3. Your partner should use a downward cupped-hand motion to tap quickly and firmly on your back, between the shoulder blades, working their way down your spine to your lower back.
4. Continue tapping for five to ten minutes or until you are able to cough up the mucus.
5. Repeat the tapping if necessary.
Tips for chest tapping:
* Chest tapping should not be painful. If it is, lighten up on the force of the taps or stop altogether.
* Chest tapping can be done several times a day.
* If you have any respiratory or heart problems, talk to your doctor before chest tapping.